South Standard:
Placemaking that embraces the mix.
LocationBoston, MA
Type#Branding #Naming #Typography #Illustration #Interior #Art Direction #Placemaking
Life in the mix.
There is a thriving scene in South Boston as a growing number of young people flock there for more space to grow, think and live - away from the hustle and bustle of downtown. Beach jogs replace the rat race, and the work-life balance is tipped in favor of life. To live at South Standard is to acquire a mix. A mix of experiences in the day. A mix of friendships, community and cultures. This is expressed by the wordmark, made from two contrasting typefaces that represent the diversity of life possible here.

Life at its fullest.
We collaborated with Miguel Porlan to create a set of illustrations that depict what living at South Standard feels like. Where daily experiences feel more charming and even the mundane can bring joy.