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Cicci di Carne:

Capturing Tuscan charm.

LocationNew York, NY
Type#Branding #Packaging #Typography #Illustration #Hospitality

Dario Cecchini is on a mission.

Cecchini wants to protect the local butchers shop with his artisan deli-style offering, Cicci di Carne. World renowned for his simple food and passionate service at his butchers shop in Panzano, Tuscany, Dario is the eighth generation of Cecchini butchers. Building on his legacy, Cicci di Carne reinvents the deli experience - bringing people together through Italian cookery and good sandwiches.

We created an identity to capture Dario’s energy and larger than life personality. Linocut underpinned our main brand elements to capture the feeling of imperfect charm and the warmth of Tuscan hospitality.

The most famous butcher in the world.
The New York Times

Larger-than-life exuberance.

The mascot pays homage to Dario’s eccentric style, including his neckerchief and iconic Tromba. An energetic ‘Ferrari Red’ was chosen by Dario himself, which we paired with a stone white for a softer balance.

Rustic warmth and Tuscan charm.

Our wordmark was set in Recoleta, chosen for its nostalgic feeling and customised with roughly cut edges to reference the cobblestones from Dario’s hometown in Tuscany. We commissioned Lino artist Laurie Avon to translate brand elements onto a physical medium that felt more akin to the butcher’s craft.

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